Saturday, January 29, 2011

How can I build business credit with the help of business credit cards?

Another important advantage of getting a business credit card is to build a separate credit history for your business. Don’t forget to register with a business credit bureau such as D&B or Experian to begin establishing your business credit immediately. By using your business credit card and keeping up with your payments on time, you can be assured that you will be building excellent credit history for your company.

Every business is confronted with financial challenges sooner or later. You may not need financial assistance at the moment but by the time you need to apply for a business loan to help you with your business projects, having a solid business credit history will help you secure an approval more easily. Aside from getting easy approval with your applications, having excellent business credit also guarantees that you’ll be offered better rates and terms by lenders.

In summary, getting a business credit card is beneficial in two ways- for separating personal from business finances and for building up a separate credit history for your business. If you’re a business owner or planning on starting up a business of your own, this matter is definitely worth the thought.

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